Montag, 13. April 2015

Crosses - Self-titled (Record Review)

#2 of my Top 5 from 2014

I don't think I have to mention the genius that is Chino Moreno, but I'm gonna do that anyway. The man has so many different projects going on, it's hard to keep count. None the less, each of them manage to impress in their own way. So does Crosses.

As soon as I had heard Bitches Brew for the first time on an UK radio station, I reached out to find the whole record and was blown away by what I found. Having released several songs before, now combined into one record, the atmosphere this whole thing creates is just ridiculous to me.
Many people don't give music the credit of actually being able to turn around a whole situation/mood of a person within just a few minutes. If a song succeeds to make you feel something, you know you got your hands on something special. That's how it is with Crosses. There has yet to be a record released that puts me, personally, faster into a relaxed, calm and comfortable mood such as this one. Especially The Epilogue and Prurient are two of the most powerful songs on the record. Simple and slow, yet powerful. Maybe not the kind of strength to make you want to flip a table and rearrange your house by raging through it. But more of the mental kind of strength. 

If you're looking for a perfect occasion to give this record a first shot, I'd suggest to put it on while on a long drive at night. It's certainly my favorite setting.

Favorite song(s): The Epilogue, Prurient, Blk Stallion

Overall: 10/10

They're not currently touring but rumor has it that Deftones our ready to release a new record this autumn. So make sure to be on the lookout for that!

Cheerio xx

1 Kommentar:

  1. I agree! A strong 10/10, bloody love crosses, hope they do more stuff :)
    x GNAR MOSH x
